It’s safe to say that the gig was a genuine success which to be honest I’m still a bit amazed about. All of the feedback so far has been incredibly positive and there was really a great atmosphere. In total the gig raised £416.57 for Oxfam which is just brilliant and Dan and I are just amazed with everyone’s generosity. I’ve been told that I’ve been saying thank you a little bit too much but we wanted to put together one last post to say Thank You to everyone that helped us out:
The Bands:
The Half Rabbits, Phantom Theory, The Prohibition Smokers Club, Helena, Swindlestock and Kt and Ky,
Sarah Mayhew (from The Oxford Castle for letting us do the gig at the castle in the first place) and Helen Statham (for letting us move the gig to The O3 Gallery with one day to go), and The Real China.
Mel Skinner, Sarah Kenway, Ashleigh Toll, Mez Flint for minding the bar and helping us tidy up afterwards (+ the rest of the Oxjam crew!)
Stu Smith, Mark Wilden, Neil Smith, for loaning us the audio equipment
And everyone that braved the rain to come along, listen to some great music and donate!
There are some pictures up on the pictures page and Dan Paxton has some up on his Flickr profile. There may even be some video soon too. Dan and I have already started talking about whether or not we’ll do it again. We shall see….
Please keep supporting Oxfam and Oxjam and good luck to anyone else that’s organising an Oxjam gig this year!
Ian and Dan
[Updated 02/09/10] Now with Video!
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