I don’t know why I haven’t posted this on here sooner but here’s my take on Ryan Adams’ version of Wonderwall:
It’s kind of a dark indusrial hip hop take version which I thought came together nicely after messing around with Ableton Live
Also I’ve done a remix for Oxford Band Hammer vs The Snake which also came out pretty well so here it is:
As far as I know they like it and it may be going out on an e.p. they’re putting together soon but that hasn’t been confirmed yet. Cheers to the band for letting a complete stranger mess around with their song.
I’ve also been messing around with my 4-track, my new guitar and Mr. Sean Mills on some completly stripped down acoustic stuff. When I’ve finished it, I’ll probably stick it up on here as well but I’ll save that for another time….
Is the Mr. Sean Mills you speak of the same who migrated from Havant to Oxford? If he is, then tell him to get in touch, we’ve all been trying to get ahold of him for ages!
heard about your RA wonderwall track. wanted to hear it, but your site says NO!
send it?
Sorry about that. Wonderwall link has now been updated.